Moeders fricandeau/pain de veau de ma mere - Double deck Belgian meatloaf sandwich, tomato and basil ragout, salad garnish and crispy fried potatoes $17.50
Schapepootjes/gigot d’agneau - Beer braised lamb shank and seasonal root vegetable pie $26.90
Vlaamse erwtensoep met hespeknuist/ potage saint-germaine - Flemish split pea and ham soup with rye bread $13.50
Sneetje dadelgebak/tranche de datte - Sticky date slice with caramel sauce, creme fraiche and ice cream $11.50
Runderribstuk met bearnaise/Cote de boeuf a la bearnaise - 500gm rib steak on the bone with Bearnaise and hot roast vegetable salad. Smaller 250gm serving available $37.90/$27.90
Gestoomde mosselen/moules nature - Mussels steamed in white wine with celery garlic and onion $19.90
Vegetarisch gebakje/tarte vegetarienne - Spring vegetable, Feta cheese and cherry tomato tart with salad greens and pesto dressing $15.90
Vogelkes zonder kop/medaillons de veau farcis - Parcels of veal stuffed with seasoned venison, served with Trappist beer sauce, baby potatoes, carrot timbale and white beans $27.90
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