Vegetarische pannekoek/crepe farcie de legumes - Tempura savoury pancake parcels filled with spring vegetables, melting cheese and sliced almonds, with salad greens and lemon yoghurt dressing $17.90
Driedubbele chocolade koek/brownie au triple chocolat - Triple chocolate brownie served with Kapiti ice cream and creme fraiche $11.50
Pastei van kip met eend/tourte au poulet et au canard - Farmhouse chicken and duck pie with leeks and orange, served with crispy fried new potatoes $17.90
Kippenlever pasteitje/bouchee de foie de volaille - Creamy chicken livers, Danish-cut bacon and roasted baby onions with puff pastry croutons $14.50
Sandwich met wildbraad/sandwich au chevreuil - Poached pear and spiced venison burger, Kriek sauce and a box of frites $17.90
Oostendse waterzooi/waterzooi a l’ostendaise - Waterzooi of market-fresh fish, mussels, scallops and tiger prawns with braised fennel and vegetables $33.90
Moules po pei - Mussels grilled with wilted spinach, bacon and cheese $19.90
Leuvense markt vis/Poisson frais du marche - Sauteed fresh fish with walnut lime butter, baby potatoes, braised spinach and leek $28.50