120 Hereford Street, Unit 10, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
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Little Brews Espresso in Christchurch has no menu available, but can choose from many other options such as Sauteed green beans with feta cheese, mint and cacao nibs or See our display cabinet for baked goods including paleo-friendly and sugarfree and our chocolate cabinet for our outrageously fine chocolates. from She Universe Cafe & Chocolaterie. Lobby Restaurant - Sudima Hotel offers many options including Freshly Baked Fiscella Bread (h/v) and Philly Steak Sandwich (h). The Lotus-Heart Vegetarian Restaurant includes a wide range like Akoori or Omelette. Vegetable Samosas (2 pcs) and Vegetarian pakoda (8 pcs) from . Chili Flakes Indian Restaurnat offers Jade Chinese Takeaway and Chicken Chow Mein.