134-138 Harris Road, East Tamaki, Auckland, Auckland, 2013, New Zealand
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Mad About Food Lunch Bar in Auckland has no menu available, but can choose from many other options such as Spaghetti al Ragú - Served with slow cooked Bolognese sauce and Parmesan or Buttermilk Pancakes - With bacon, banana and maple syrup from La Bocca Cafe and Restaurant. Eastside Bakery offers many options including Mince pie and Mince & cheese pie / Mince curry pie / Steak pie / Steak & cheese pie. Kaiseki Japanese Restaurant includes a wide range like All The Following Choices Come With Fries And Salad or Suid Rin Karage. Mutton rolls and Sandwich (morning/evenening) from . Annacho Takeaway offers Pintu and TOAST.