34 Main St, Eketahuna, Tararua
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Patcheek Cafe in Manawatu-Wanganui has no menu available, but can choose from many other options such as Eggs On Toast or Creamy Mushroom On Toast from Hollywood Bakery. Pizza Pizza offers many options including GOLDENHORSE and THE BLACK SEEDS. Wild One Wholefoods Eatery includes a wide range like GFO = Gluten free option / VO = Vegan option / V = Vegan / GF= Gluten free / RSF = Refined sugar free or Poached free range eggs on sourdough (GFO)(VO). French Toast and Early Bird Big Breakfast (Gluten free option available) from . Early Bird Kitchen offers Good Morning Vietnam Restaurant & Cafe and 29. Mousse (Chocolate or Passionfruit).