Cnr Marshland and New Brighton Rd, Palms Mall, Christchurch, New Zealand
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Pita Pitt in Christchurch has no menu available, but can choose from many other options such as Satay Noodle Soup or Satay Burger Beef Or Chicken from Khmer cambodian cuisine. Amici's offers many options including Amici's Big Breakfast and Egg Benedict. The Coffee House includes a wide range like Homemade Toasted Granola, With yoghurt, banana & plum compote or House Crumpets, With your choice of local honey or homemade jam & mascarpone. Full English Breakfast; boar bacon, eggs, ciabatta, curried beans, broiled tomatoes and Morning Tacos; eggs, boar bacon, pickled onion, herbs & chili from . Estuary & Co offers Redcliffs Fish and Chips and Steak.