All teppanyaki set meus begin wth an appetizer of the chef's choice served with warm miso, followed by teppanyaki stir- fried vegetables and your main course as described in each set with your choice of steamed or fried rice .(fried rice $4.00) N/A
Vanilla icecream with your choice of chocolate, strawberry or caramel syrup
Lokum $6.00
6 pieces of turkish delight
Dolma Entree $10.50
Vine leaves stuffed with rice and spices, served with a garnish
P.K. Kids Shish $12.50
Beef, lamb, chicken, adana or doner served with a side of fries, trio of salads and sauces
Borani Spinach Dip $9.50
Ground spinach, mixed with feta cheese, mixed herbs and spices. Served with a side of pita bread.
Chicken Shish $17 Single/$26 Double
P.K. cubed and marinated grilled chicken breast served on a bed of rice, seasonal salad and sauces
P.K. Kids Kuku $10.50
Carrot frittata or zucchini frittata served with a side of fries, trio of salads and sauces
Traditional House Bite $22.00
Ground Chickpeas with cashew nuts, sultanas, mixed peas and corn, beans, carrot, garlic, herbs and spices, served on a bed of rice and trio of salads and sauces